Wednesday 21 December 2011


For my portrait project I researched various artists, including Martin Schoeller, Richard Avedon, Anton Corbijin, Steve Pyke and Terry O'neill. I got books out from the library on all of them and had a look at their work and made my opinion of them before I researched them on the internet to find out what other people had said or thought about them.

1.- Martin Schoeller
2.- Richard Avedon
3.- Anton Corbijin
4.- Steve Pyke
5.- Terry O'neill

From all these photographers I got several inspirations but my favourite ones, and the ones I got most of my inspiration rom where Martin Schoeller and Richard Avedon. I loved the idea of having a perfect white background. I wanted to use the barman at the SU bar as my model but on a night out I got introduced to a friend of a friend's, a third year CG Arts students by the name of Godwin. I found him very interesting and straight away had my idea of how to shoot him. Because at first glance he looks like a tough person as he has quite a large build, not fat, just large. He looks kinda like a hardman but in reality he is not he is casual person who enjoys having a laugh with his friends and is fun to be around. I wanted him to be portrayed with a softer look