Wednesday 5 October 2011

Object Brief

The first brief I received for this first semester is the Object. In the brief it states that we have to shoot a constructed image of a still life were the theme is something thought by ourselves but that relates to a bigger and current social issue. I had several initial ideas:

- Growing Up, this idea came from my initial experiences at university were I felt it as more than a place of learning but more of another chapter in my life where I progress into adulthood and become independent. As this is my first experience away from home and I believe that most people in their first year are experiencing the same. But then Jonathan mentioned that it had to be a wider social issue so I went off the idea.

- My next idea was drink driving, I had no personal reason to take this one up but I believed that this was a big issue as most car fatal car accidents are caused by the effects of alcohol. I had an image of a toy car crashing into a wine glass with red wine spilling out of it, the red wine being a representation of blood, but I figured that it was kinda a standard image by many people and wasn't particularly passionate about this project as it didn't relate to me.

- My next idea, and the one I have decided to go with, was about the differences between the Spanish culture where I am from and the English culture that I am now living it and how it made me feel. I also feel that the world is becoming much more multicultural in a sense that more people are coexisting together, especially in England and Mallorca. England has received immigrants from around the world since the Great British Empire and Camden is a great example of this. Mallorca is also a place where people from around Europe and Africa have moved looking for a better lifestyle. I am thinking of making this work a bit more personal and focusing on what I felt moving to England and what is the most important thing I miss. I still don't know how to go about this but I am constantly thinking of it.


I have now shot and printed my object shoot. I scoured all over Rochester and Chatham to find the objects I had in mind for my shoot over a week long period but to no avail as it seemed nobody had what I was looking for. The day before the shoot I panicked and decided to go back to my previous idea of drink driving. I bought a wine glass, a toy car and a piece of A2 paper up to uni but once there got told that my idea of smashing the wine glass a bit and spilling the red wine over the car and the paper too make it look like blood could not be done for Health and Safety reasons, so even on the day of the shoot had to rethink my idea. I found a plastic wine glass and was allowed to smash that. So in the end I filled the wine glass with wine, smashed the plastic wine glass and the front of the toy car, ripping one of the wheels of, simulating a car crash. I also borrowed some fake blood of Ashleigh, a girl from my study group, and spilt it over the car and the smashed wine glass with a bit going on the wine glass. Here is the neg and the final shot with a test shot and a close up of the car.

- Test shots

- Negative and Positive of the Negative

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