Friday 4 November 2011

Environment Project

For the first part of our Environment project we are required to produce a pastiche that represents one of three images given to us and then a set of images (minimum of 3) based on a personal conceptual approach to representing the landscape.

The three images that we had to choose from were;
Robert Adams- "On Signal Hill"
Roger Fenton- "The Terrace and Park at Harewood House"
Jem Southam- "Seaford Head"

I chose Robert Adams image as I thought it would be easier to find, as I am new in this country and have never used the train systems here I thought I would get lost and I also don't have a car or any other mode of transport. I went out on a few location hunting trips with Aaron and Kym and found this location just over Rochester bridge. Took a few test shots with my digital camera and liked the way they came out, so last week went back with a Wista 5x4 camera and took a shot.

1. Test Shot

2. Negative Scan

- Personal Project
For my personal project I knew early on what I wanted to do, as I have always been interested in night time photography and how landscapes appear completely different at night then throughout the day. I especially like reflections on water and how things can become beautiful when they are ugly normally. For this I thought of shooting the river around Rochester. I took a shot with my digital camera to see how it would turn out and was pleased with the results. I then used a 5x4 camera to shoot several images. I used the 5x4 because it is what I prefer as I find it easier to use. I took several shots but was only happy with 3 of them, my final 3.
With this project I aim to depict on how things or landscapes cannot be judged at face value and that everything changes, nothing is eternal.

-1. Test shots

-2. Final Negatives

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