Tuesday 6 March 2012

Referral: Critical Reviews

Object:  I have always been close to nature. As I have been surrounded by it most of my life. This summer deforestation caused by forest fires, affected my surroundings last summer. This is my inspiration for my referral. Plants and trees are universal symbols found in every spiritual tradition, symbolising wisdom, protection, beauty, redemption, etc. I researched factual details about deforestation, mostly in the Amazon as well as photographers.
My biggest inspiration is Daniel Beltrà a spanish conservation photographer, but also researched Edgar Martins, Robert Adams and Nick Moir.
This project has developed my sense of research, and the value of it whilst also highlighting the massive deforestation problems in the world. I believe I could have done better with a wider time-frame with this idea but that also is a learning process for me, factoring in everything else and making myself a schedule.

Cityscape: To start with, in the referral for this project I had an idea of shooting a journey from Kings Cross to Camden Lock, and idea I had to change once I saw it was hard to achieve in the time frame I had. My concept then moved onto the consumerism and capitalism governing modern arquitecture. The plasticity and fakeness of the new buildings. 
For this project I took inspiration and researched Olivo Barbieri, Thomas Struth and Gabrielle Basilico. My biggest inspiration out of the three was Gabrielle Basilico, as his style suited my project and the way he takes mundane buildings and shoots them in a manner that makes them seem important and of a cultural or historical value. 
I believe this project could have gone better as it was setback by camera problems, such as the Bronica I took out popping open in the bag without my knowing or being kicked out from one of my initial places I wanted to shoot as it was "private property". Even then I am satisfied with the images that have come out in the end.

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